Django Zero

Django Zero helps creating and maintaining fully-featured, modern and maintainable django applications.

It preinstalls dependencies and provides reasonable defaults, to let you focus on features and business value.

Hello, Django Zero

Out of the box, you get a Django project with:

  • Default settings to start working now.
  • Debug Toolbar and Django Extensions.
  • Allauth with Jinja2 templates.
  • Whitenoise.
  • Jinja2 (with django-like filters) and/or Django Template Language (DTL)
  • Webpack 4 & Babel for scripts and styles bundling/transpilation (ES6, JSX, SASS).
  • Bootstrap 4.1 (easy to remove if you don't want it).
  • Build pipeline (various options).

Note that this documentation does not explain the underlying tools, like how to develop using django, we only focus on what is django-zero and it gives links to the other tools.

Quick start

You need Node.js 8+ with Yarn and a python 3.5+ environment (user should have write permissions).

$ pip install django-zero[dev]

Create and run a project:

$ django-zero create project acme
$ cd acme
$ django-zero install --dev
$ django-zero manage migrate
$ django-zero start

Open http://localhost:8000/, enjoy!

Table of Content


Django-Zero is released under Apache License Version 2.0.

Dependencies have their own licenses.


This is an early preview. We use it on multiple production websites at Makersquad, and we know a few more people using it, but you should be aware that things can be a bit rusty here and there, changes are sometimes necessary, etc.

Use at your own risks, and take the time to understand how it works.

Last Updated: 9/15/2018, 12:20:47 PM